Business member subscriptions are based on company size. The CWEA can help promote your services, events and special offers to CWE residents and visitors via our website and our frequent communications.

Three Levels of Business Membership:

Sole Proprietor - $180 /year
Small Business / Restaurant / Retail - $250 / year per facility
 Large Business / Multi-Family Apartment Complex / Corporation - $500 / year

Central West End Association Business member benefits include: 

CWEA Business memberships include -

- Featured introduction as a new CWEA business in our weekly email blast that goes out to over 2600 local subscribers.

- A listing in the CWEA online business directory with your business' logo / link to your website / description of your business. Promote your business by creating a special offer for CWEA resident members in order to get more CWE residents to your business/website. CWEA business members have the ability to change out that special deal or offer as often as they'd like. CWEA resident members will have a membership card with expiration date that can be shown at your establishment when redeeming their discount/offer.

- Two complimentary tickets to our First Friday Happy Hours, hosted at a different CWE business each month where business owners can meet face to face with CWE residents.

- CWEA business members can send out their news or events in our weekly email blast.

- CWEA business members can also send us events/news releases to post on our Facebook page with over 2600 followers.

- Discounted tickets to our annual Gala (December) and the CWE Home & Garden tour.

- CWEA business members can act as event sponsors for events like the CWE Home & Garden Tour, the Annual CWEA Gala and Family Fun Days to further their reach and involvement in the Central West End community. 

The current level of growth and development throughout the Central West End is attracting new residents, businesses, and entrepreneurial energy to our neighborhood. This is an exciting time to live and/or work in the CWE. It's also more essential than ever that we have a strong, effective neighborhood association to help us understand and manage the impacts of this growth. The Central West End Association was created in 1958 by residents who believed when neighbors join forces on matters of shared importance, the neighborhood becomes a better place to live, work and visit. For nearly fifty years, the CWEA has been a grassroots volunteer organization that provides residents and local businesses with resources to keep our neighborhood strong, beautiful, safe, and prosperous. 

Please join your neighbors in supporting our community by becoming a member today! 


You can purchase online by clicking on the links above or by mailing a check to: 

4818 Washington Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63108



Interested in joining as a Business Member or as a Prospective Sponsor