Our Mission
The mission of the CWEA is to galvanize community spirit by preserving our vibrant neighborhood and serving as a resource for residents, visitors, and institutions. We bring residents together in the CWE via forums and social events, including the Annual Fourth of July Parade, First Friday Happy Hours, and the CWEA Awards Party.
CWEA Board Members
Lindsey Tsvetanov
Lindsey moved to the Central West End with her husband in 2019. Lindsey is an estate planning attorney at a local CWE law firm, Stock Legal, LLC. She loves that she can walk our beautiful streets to work every day. She is passionate about preserving and learning our neighborhood’s history, while also cheering on new developments and necessary improvements. You can find Lindsey walking in Forest Park or at one of our many neighborhood bars and restaurants.
Becca Vossmeyer
Vice President
Dan Boccabella
Dan Boccabella moved to the CWE from Florida in 2014 with his wife, Robyn, a Marketing Professor at WashU, and son Dominic. They love the walkability, history and architecture of the CWE. In addition to being a lifelong tech entrepreneur, Dan serves in a leadership role on many St. Louis organizations including the St. Louis Craft Beer Society, the University of Florida Gateway Gator Club, and CWE Families & Friends.
Celeste Vossmeyer
Cliff Helm
Shari Whay
Chris Peimann
Stephen Chapman